Refurbihed PCs

Reduce Costs with Refurbished Hardware

A one or two year old computer system with some minor hardware upgrades will have plenty of horsepower to run just about any software on the market today. Repurposed systems can save you a significant amount of money, and is also a great way to reduce the amount of e-waste that ends up in our landfills. The price at which we sell these devices is largely dependent on the required specs for a particular project/build, current market rates, and the complexity of the system setup/configuration.


Alpine Connected Solutions is primarily a Linux shop. Most of our systems run Ubuntu LTS releases. This is largely due to the overall stability of these releases, and the significantly reduced hardware requirements of a modern Ubuntu system compared to a comparable Windows system. Long gone are the days where Linux is just for nerds. Canonical has done a fantastic job in recent years of making Ubuntu user friendly and incredibly stable. Much of the internet is built on top of Linux systems, and we have a number of systems acting as both servers and desktops that have been working well in the field for many years. These systems have low maintenance overhead and are typically very secure. One of the major benefits of these systems is the reduced cost of ownership compared to a Windows system.


We are able to offer genuine Windows installations on refurbished hardware at a significantly reduced cost compared to brand new systems. This solution is ideal for those of you who are not quite ready to make the jump to Linux (it’s really not as bad as you think!), but are still looking for a way to save money. This is really the only way to go if your organization needs the Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, etc.). Note that there are open source alternatives for these on a Linux system, but they suffer from some pretty debilitating compatibility issues when working with newer document formats.

The Right System at the Right Price

If you’re in the market for a new computer, please consider contacting us first to see if we can find a refurbished solution that will fit your requirements.